“Villanelle for my friends out saving the world” by Seth Brown

Relax, my friend, for you have earned your rest.
Though you may strive to set the world aright,
Just be yourself and I will be impressed.

Each day need not become an endless test
Wherein your burden is a constant fight.
Relax, my friend, for you have earned your rest.

Ambition drives you to become the best,
Yet blinds you to your current glowing light.
Just be yourself, and I will be impressed.

You seek to save the weak and dispossessed,
Yet for yourself, the care you give seems slight.
Relax, my friend, for you have earned your rest.

Your awesomeness I hope you will digest,
My love for you could have no upper height.
Just be yourself, and I will be impressed.

You’ll fix the world, and I applaud your quest,
But know you need not do it all tonight.
Relax, my friend, for you have earned your rest.
Just be yourself, and I will be impressed.



Seth Brown lives in the beautiful Berkshires, where he performs poetry and writes his award-winning humor column The Pun Also Rises for the Berkshire Eagle. He is the author of six books including From God To Verse, a line-by-line rhyming translation of the Torah. His website is RisingPun.com.

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